SitePoint播客#29:Roy Rubin访谈
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Episode 29 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week, Brad Williams () has a one-on-one chat with Roy Rubin, founder of Magento, the popular open source ecommerce framework. A full transcript of this episode is published below.

SitePoint Podcast的 第29集现已发布! 本周,布拉德·威廉姆斯( )与流行的开源电子商务框架Magento的创始人罗伊·鲁宾(Roy Rubin)进行了一对一聊天。 此情节的完整记录在下面发布。

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    SitePoint播客#29:Roy Rubin访谈

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Brad: Welcome to another episode of the SitePoint podcast. I’m your host, Brad Williams, and today, I’m joined by Roy Rubin who is the founder of the popular open source eCommerce software Magento.

布拉德:欢迎观看SitePoint播客的另一集。 我是您的主持人,布拉德·威廉姆斯,今天,我和很多流行的开源电子商务软件Magento的创始人罗伊·鲁宾一起加入了会议。

Welcome to the show, Roy.


Roy: Hey Brad, good to be here.


Brad: It’s great to have you. I know there is a lot of buzz about Magento. It really is kind of the hot eCommerce open source package at the moment. So I’m definitely excited you to have you on because I have a ton of questions of my own, and we have a lot of questions from the community, so we can all kind of learn about Magento together.

布拉德:拥有你真高兴。 我知道Magento有很多嗡嗡声。 目前,这确实是热门的电子商务开源软件包。 因此,我很高兴您能加入,因为我有很多自己的问题,而且社区中有很多问题,因此我们可以共同学习Magento。

So let’s jump right to it because we have quite a bit to cover. I want to start kind of at the beginning and actually, the first question I have comes from a SitePoint member, IceMan90 and IceMan would like to know since Zen Cart and OScommerce kind of dominated the open source shopping cart market for many years, what made you decide that it was time for another major player in that market space?

因此,让我们直接讲吧,因为我们有很多要讲的内容。 我想从头开始,实际上,我遇到的第一个问题来自SitePoint成员,IceMan90和IceMan想知道,因为Zen Cart和OScommerce在开放源代码购物车市场上占据了很多年,是什么造就了什么?您认为是该市场领域另一个主要参与者的时候了?

Roy: When we started Magento back in early 2007, we were working at the time with OScommerce; I think less Zen Cart but more OScommerce, as a service agency for a good number of years. As our business grew and our clients had much more sophisticated type of expectations from us and the Internet continued to evolve, we understood very well that the age of OScommerce and Zen Cart and their many forks has really come to an end, and it was a time for a more mature, more up to date platform to really come to the market and address the needs of merchants as technology continues to evolve, as the market continues to evolve, and I hope we did that with Magento.

Roy:当我们在2007年初创立Magento时,我们当时就在OScommerce上工作。 我认为,作为服务代理已有很多年了,Zen Cart却少了OScommerce。 随着我们业务的增长以及客户对我们的期望越来越复杂,并且互联网不断发展,我们非常了解OScommerce和Zen Cart以及它们的许多分支的时代已经真正结束了,这是一个随着技术的不断发展,市场的不断发展,我们需要一个更加成熟,更新的平台真正进入市场并满足商家的需求,我希望我们与Magento合作。

A lot of the features that you see today in Magento comes from the years of experience that we’ve had with OScommerce and Zen Cart, etc. So this is really the next evolution of that. I think our background really helped to put together a product that can really speak to that.

您今天在Magento中看到的许多功能都来自我们在OScommerce和Zen Cart等方面的多年经验。因此,这实际上是该产品的下一个发展。 我认为我们的背景确实有助于将一个可以真正说明问题的产品组合在一起。

Brad: You mentioned OScommerce; originally I read that you had planned to fork OScommerce, but you actually abandoned that plan and decided just to start from scratch, is that how it went down?

布拉德:您提到OScommerce; 最初,我读到您计划使用OScommerce,但是实际上您放弃了该计划,并决定只是从头开始,这是怎么回事?

Roy: No, that’s actually not the story.


Brad: Good ole Wiki.


Roy: Yeah, you know, it would have been a good story. But no, we never really thought to use the OScommerce code base. I think when we started to really put together the vision for the project, we knew that the architecture was just going to be completely different. There is just no way that we could have worked with what OScommerce offered, and still offers, today. So really from the get go, we knew that we were going to have to put together something different.

罗伊:是的,你知道的,那将是一个好故事。 但是,不,我们从未真正想到过要使用OScommerce代码库。 我认为,当我们开始真正整合项目愿景时,我们知道架构将完全不同。 今天,我们无法与OScommerce提供的(并且仍然提供)一起工作。 因此,从一开始,我们真的知道我们将不得不组合一些不同的东西。

Brad: Would you say that it was harder than you anticipated? In my mind, when I think eCommerce, there is just so much involved with eCommerce. So starting an eCommerce website from the ground up just blows my mind with the amount that would be involved with that. Was it easier than you thought, harder than you thought? How did that work out?

布拉德:您能说这比您预期的要难吗? 在我的脑海中,当我想到电子商务时,电子商务就涉及了很多。 因此,从头开始创建一个电子商务网站只会让我大吃一惊。 它比您想像的要容易,比您想像的要难吗? 怎么解决的?

Roy: I think it’s completely more involved than any of us have ever imagined. From a feature set perspective, I think where we are today and where we thought we would be just two years ago, you know, is a completely different world. This is a monstrous of a project. We’ve put in an incredible amount of hours by an incredibly passionate and dedicated team.

罗伊:我认为这比我们任何人想象的都要复杂得多。 从功能集的角度来看,我认为我们今天所处的位置以及两年前我们所处的位置是一个完全不同的世界。 这是一个巨大的项目。 一支充满激情和敬业精神的团队投入了令人难以置信的时间。

Looking back in hindsight, this is something that was not expected, to say the least.


Brad: When you initially started, how big was the actual team that was working on Magento, the development team?


Roy: We started in early 2007, as I said. We had about – I think at minimum, it was three or four guys kind of starting to think about what the architecture would look like. That was really sort of the core team that we worked on for about 5-6 months. And then after that, we started to grow the team. Before the 1.0 release, the team grew to about 35 people. It ended up being a very, very large project here internally where we shifted basically every single body that we had towards Magento and made sure that the package we offered wasn’t just a technology one, but really created the right experience for the users, the site really provided the information that they needed to make an informed decision and our entire company rallied around that, and the team got significantly larger, obviously, as we got closer to the 1.0.

罗伊:正如我所说,我们始于2007年初。 我们曾经考虑过-我认为至少要有三四个人开始考虑该架构的外观。 这实际上是我们工作了大约5-6个月的核心团队。 之后,我们开始发展团队。 在1.0版本之前,团队人数已增长到约35人。 最终,这是一个非常大的项目,在内部,我们基本上将拥有的每个机构都移交给了Magento,并确保我们提供的软件包不仅是技术包,而且确实为用户创造了正确的体验,该站点确实提供了他们做出明智决定所需的信息,而我们整个公司都在此基础上团结起来,很明显,随着我们接近1.0,团队变得更大了。

Brad: Just to clarify, your company that you’re speaking of is Varien, which is a software development company; is that correct?

布拉德:澄清一下,您所说的公司是Varien,这是一家软件开发公司。 那是对的吗?

Roy: Yeah, historically, that’s what it’s been. I founded the company in 2001. Today, you know, we’re obviously focused on Magento; that is our core offering and that’s really what we’re focused on. Until I would say late 2007-early 2008, we were a classical consultancy web development shop that did a lot of different things.

罗伊:是的,历史上就是那样。 我于2001年成立了公司。如今,您显然已经专注于Magento; 这是我们的核心产品,而这正是我们关注的重点。 在我说2007年底至2008年初之前,我们是一家经典的咨询网站开发商店,做了很多不同的事情。

Brad: It’s awesome that in that short of time, it’s gone from being, like you said, a kind of a classic dev shop to now you have this software package that you’ve developed, Magento, which is all the buzz and it’s really pretty inspiring. I actually run a software development company as well, so I would probably put myself into that classic bucket. We do classic development work. So it is pretty neat to see what you’ve done in just a short amount of time. Two and a half years Magento has been around, and you’re over a million downloads, is it?

布拉德:太棒了,在短时间内,它已经从像您说的那样变成了一家经典的开发商店,现在已经拥有了您自己开发的软件包Magento,这真是风靡一时,非常鼓舞人心。 我实际上也经营着一家软件开发公司,因此我很可能会陷入那种经典的境地。 我们从事经典的开发工作。 因此,很短的时间内看到您所做的事情就很整齐。 Magento已经存在两年半了,您的下载量超过一百万,是吗?

Roy: Yeah, it’s over 1.1 million downloads now, and we’re getting a tremendous uptake of downloads and growth. So it’s been very positive, the growth continues. We’re quite excited.

罗伊:是的,现在下载量已超过110万,而且下载量和增长量也得到了我们的极大欢迎。 因此,这是非常积极的,增长仍在继续。 我们很兴奋。

Maybe I could just touch on the sort of the transition from a consultancy to a product company and it’s never an easy transition, I can tell you that. It’s something that we’re still having to deal with. I think we’re on the tail end of that. It’s something that I think a lot of consultancies aspire for, to have a product of their own and to build on that. I highly encourage it; I think there is a lot of … there is a lot of rewarding times when you see a product like this, a product of yours, really hit the market and begin to get some adoption. It’s very exciting.

也许我可以谈谈从咨询公司到产品公司的过渡,这绝非易事,我可以告诉你。 这是我们仍然要处理的事情。 我认为我们处于末尾。 我认为许多咨询公司都渴望拥有自己的产品并以此为基础。 我强烈鼓励它; 我认为有很多……当您看到这样的产品(您的产品)真正进入市场并开始获得采用时,会有很多有意义的时光。 这是非常令人兴奋。

Brad: It’s great. I really respect the fact that not only did you create this great product, but you also release it as open source, where you could have easily kept it proprietary and charged a licensing fee, but you didn’t. You went ahead and released it under the open source license version 3. I was wondering if you could speak – was it always from day one, did you plan on releasing this open source, or it just kind of evolved into that?

布拉德:太好了。 我真的很尊重这样一个事实,您不仅创造了这款出色的产品,而且还以开源形式发布了该产品,您可以轻松地保留其专有性并收取许可费,但您没有这样做。 您继续使用开源许可证版本3发行了它。我想知道您是否可以发言–是从第一天开始,您打算发行此开源软件,还是只是演变成开源软件?

Roy: Since day one, we knew very well when we started the project that that was going to be the strategy. We come from the open source roots and that’s what we knew well. We very much believed, and still believe, in the model. We saw other players and other verticals continue to do well. We saw MySQL, we saw SugarCRM, Alfresco and other commercial open source players and we understood that there was a true opportunity in the eCommerce space and that’s really what motivated us to believe that there is a business model around distributing free software. I think to date, two years after, we’re still very much believers of the model.

Roy:从第一天开始,我们就很清楚,当我们开始这个项目时,这就是策略。 我们来自开源根源,这就是我们所熟知的。 我们非常相信并且仍然相信该模型。 我们看到其他玩家和其他垂直行业继续表现良好。 我们看到了MySQL,我们看到了SugarCRM,Alfresco和其他商业开放源代码供应商,并且我们了解到电子商务领域存在着真正的机会,这正是促使我们相信围绕自由软件发行的商业模式的真正原因。 我认为,直到两年后,我们仍然非常相信该模型。

Brad: That’s great. Now as far as requirements, Magento runs on a Linux platform, correct?

布拉德:太好了。 现在就需求而言,Magento运行在Linux平台上,对吗?

Roy: Indeed, yep.


Brad: I was looking at the requirements and Windows wasn’t listed. Can it run on Windows, or is it absolutely just does not work on Windows?

布拉德:我在查看要求,但未列出Windows。 它可以在Windows上运行,还是绝对不能在Windows上运行?

Roy: You know, it can run on Windows; I think the configuration is a little bit tricky. We’ve been working with Zend, the PHP company, and actually if you run Magento on top of the Zend server product that they have now, it makes that much easier. And that’s been a big priority for us, so we hope to continue working with Zend to make Magento accessible to those organizations that would prefer Windows as opposed to a mixed type of environment. So hopefully, that answers that question.

Roy:您知道,它可以在Windows上运行; 我认为配置有些棘手。 我们一直在与PHP公司Zend进行合作,实际上,如果您在他们现在拥有的Zend服务器产品之上运行Magento,它会变得更加容易。 这是我们的首要任务,因此我们希望继续与Zend合作,以使那些希望使用Windows而不是混合环境的组织可以访问Magento。 因此,希望能回答这个问题。

Brad: Are there any plans to actually break out so it can be installed directly into Windows and run on like a WAMP stack, or would it always require that Zend?


Roy: Again, I think today, you can actually run it on a WAMP stack. There is nothing in Magento that prohibits you from doing that. We’re trying to make that a little bit easier of a process. The idea is that with a Zend server (and there is a free community version of the Zend server) that will be almost seamless in terms of installation in Windows.

Roy:再次,我想今天,您实际上可以在WAMP堆栈上运行它。 Magento中没有任何东西禁止您这样做。 我们正在努力使这一过程变得容易一些。 这个想法是,使用Zend服务器(并且有Zend服务器的免费社区版本),就Windows中的安装而言,它几乎是无缝的。

It’s just a little bit tricky today, but we hope to simplify that ongoing.


Brad: I want to talk about the license a little bit behind Magento, and I mentioned it earlier that it’s licensed under the open source license (OSL 3.0). I’m wondering why you chose that license over, say, a more traditional license, like GPL or the LGPL?

布拉德:我想谈谈Magento背后的许可,我之前提到它是在开源许可(OSL 3.0)下许可的。 我想知道为什么您选择该许可证而不是使用更传统的许可证,例如GPL或LGPL?

Roy: The OSL license is actually the open software license, and the open software license is a license that closes what’s called the ASP loophole. The ASP loophole is basically – there is this big debate in the open source community about what distribution is, and with Magento, we treat distribution over a network, same as a classical distribution that’s covered under the GPL.

Roy: OSL许可证实际上是开放软件许可证,而开放软件许可证是一种关闭所谓ASP漏洞的许可证。 ASP漏洞基本上是-开源社区中存在着关于什么是分发的大争论,而借助Magento,我们将处理网络分发与GPL涵盖的经典分发一样。

What does that mean? It means that if you create derivative work of Magento and you put up the work just on a website and distribute it digitally, via the web, that is still considered a distribution and as such, since the OSL license is a reciprocal license, your work has to be licensed under the OSL license and made public.

那是什么意思? 这意味着,如果您创建Magento的衍生作品,然后将其放在网站上并通过网络以数字方式分发,则仍被认为是分发,因此,由于OSL许可证是对等许可证,因此您的作品必须根据OSL许可进行许可并公开。

Why did we choose that? We chose that because we felt that the work that we put into Magento was significant and we had hoped that the community reciprocates so that if are derivative works, the rest of the Magento community can benefit from that.

我们为什么选择那个? 我们之所以选择它,是因为我们认为我们在Magento中所做的工作意义非凡,并且希望社区能够互惠互利,以便如果是衍生作品,那么Magento社区的其他成员也可以从中受益。

At the time that we chose the OSL license, it was the only OSI (Open Source Initiative) group which certifies the open source licenses, was the only OSI approved license that closed the ASP loophole. Since then, the LGPL license came to the market, and now those two licenses, and perhaps others, are available but at the time that we chose the OSL, it was the only OSI-approved open source license that closed the ASP loophole.

在我们选择OSL许可证时,它是唯一一个对开源许可证进行认证的OSI(开放源代码倡议)组,也是唯一一个消除ASP漏洞的OSI批准许可证。 从那时起,LGPL许可证问世了,现在这两个许可证(也许还有其他)都可以使用,但是在我们选择OSL时,它是唯一一个经OSI批准的开放源代码许可证,它消除了ASP漏洞。

Brad: Open source licensing can get … it’s kind of an interesting topic. It’s kind of a hard one to follow as well, especially when you get into actual case examples of what’s allowed, what’s not allowed. So it can be a little confusing for people, but it is nice that it’s released under it. What did I say? Open source license… I meant open software license (OSL). So it’s not actually GPL, which is what a lot of people probably would have expected.

布拉德:开源许可证可以得到……这是一个有趣的话题。 也很难遵循,特别是当您进入允许或禁止的实际案例示例时。 因此,这可能会使人们感到困惑,但是很高兴在它的下面发布了它。 我说了什么? 开源许可证……我的意思是开放软件许可证(OSL)。 因此,实际上并不是GPL,这是很多人可能期望的。

Roy: Sure, it’s not GPL and there is a big difference between the two. We’ve tried to educate the market about that. There is probably a lot more work for us to do in that front. But it’s a very, very different licensing than the GPL and it’s done for a lot of good reasons.

罗伊:当然,这不是GPL,两者之间有很大的不同。 我们试图对市场进行教育。 在这方面,我们可能还有很多工作要做。 但这是与GPL完全不同的许可,并且这样做的理由很多。

Brad: Let’s talk about Magento features. Obviously Magento comes with a ton of features. If you go to (which is the official Magento site), right under products, you can go to features, and there is a nice long list of all the different features.

布拉德:让我们谈谈Magento的功能。 显然,Magento具有大量功能。 如果您访问 (这是Magento的官方网站),就在产品下方,可以转到功能部件,并且所有这些功能部件都有很长的清单。

What are some of the features in Magento? Is it what most people expect from an eCommerce store, are there additional features that you wouldn’t normally see that you think are pretty cool?

Magento有哪些功能? 这是大多数人对电子商务商店的期望吗,是否有通常不认为您认为很酷的附加功能?

Roy: I think first and foremost what sets Magento apart, I think not only from the open source packages on the market, but from a lot of proprietary, even enterprise class packages, is its ability to do multi-store retailing. Again, that’s something that we kind of picked up as a trend in early 2007 and it definitely proved, I think, to be right, where retailers are looking to have multiple online shops, multiple online businesses running from a central administrative instance of Magento.

罗伊:首先,我认为Magento的与众不同之处在于,它不仅可以从市场上的开源软件包中获得收益,而且可以从许多专有的甚至企业级软件包中获得收益,它可以进行多店零售。 再次,这是我们在2007年初发展起来的一种趋势,我认为这确实证明是正确的,零售商正在寻找拥有多个在线商店,由Magento的中央管理实例运行的多个在线业务。

So that’s something that’s built into the core product, something that we’ve got a lot of interest for, and it’s been very, very well received.


What else? I think our pricing rules and our discounting engine is something that is very, very strong, as well. The ability to create really sophisticated types of discounts is something that’s been very well received. Maybe one more thing that I think gets a lot of attention is our catalog management. We’ve given merchants a real flexible capability to manage quite a different array of catalog types. If you have virtual products, if you have physical products, if you’re doing business in multiple disciplines, chances are Magento’s catalog structure and Magento’s processes for setting up your catalog will be supportive of that.

还有什么? 我认为我们的定价规则和折扣引擎也非常非常强大。 能够创建非常复杂的折扣类型的能力已广受欢迎。 我认为可能引起更多关注的另一件事是我们的目录管理。 我们为商家提供了真正灵活的功能,可以管理多种不同的目录类型。 如果您有虚拟产品,如果您有实体产品,并且您从事的是跨学科业务,那么Magento的目录结构很可能会得到支持,而Magento的目录设置过程将对此提供支持。

So we’ve tried to stay, as a software product, out of the way of retailers and not tell them how to run their business but give them a platform and a product that allows them to really set up everything as they see fit.


Brad: The site manager, that is kind of a really cool feature, and I wonder if we could talk about that a little bit. If I understand it correctly, I can have multiple stores under one installation of Magento. Does this allow me to have multiple domains for those stores, or are they still all mapped like a sub-domain or sub-directories of the primary website?

布拉德:网站管理员,这真是一个很酷的功能,我想知道我们是否可以谈一点。 如果我理解正确,我可以在一个Magento安装下拥有多个商店。 这是否使我可以为这些商店拥有多个域,或者它们仍然像主网站的子域或子目录一样都被映射?

Roy: You were breaking up, but I think I got the gist of that. You’re absolutely right, you can actually run Magento stores under different domains; there is absolutely no problem with that. You can run it under sub-domains if that’s a better fit for you, or under different domains, or on the same domain, we’ve give you that complete flexibility.

罗伊:你分手了,但我想我的主旨是。 完全正确,您实际上可以在不同的域下运行Magento商店; 绝对没有问题。 如果更适合您,则可以在子域下运行它,也可以在不同域下或同一域中运行它,我们为您提供了完全的灵活性。

Brad: And it actually keeps everything separate, so separate product bases, separate customers, or does it group everything together?


Roy: You could actually share the customers between the stores or set it up to require different customer accounts. You could share the shopping cart between the stores or not. That’s a configurable option for you. Again, you can run your stores in different domains.

Roy:您实际上可以在商店之间共享客户,也可以将其设置为需要不同的客户帐户。 您可以在商店之间共享购物车,也可以不共享。 这是您可配置的选项。 同样,您可以在不同的域中运行商店。

We have companies that have multiple brands and are running one Magento instants for many, many brands of theirs. And you can’t even tell that it’s the same instants; it’s a completely different user experience across all the brands. It requires a separate registration and customer login for each of the brands, yet, it’s all centrally managed through one Magento admin.

我们拥有拥有多个品牌的公司,并且为许多品牌运行一个Magento时刻。 而且,您甚至无法说出它们是同一瞬间。 所有品牌的用户体验都完全不同。 它需要为每个品牌进行单独的注册和客户登录,但是,所有这些都通过一个Magento管理员进行集中管理。

Brad: That’s awesome. Honestly, I didn’t know Magento did that, but that’s really cool because just from my own experience, I know when we set up eCommerce stores for clients, more likely than not, a few months down the road after we finish, they come back and want another store. So then we build another store. But in this case, we could use a site management and just create another store in their existing install, which is awesome.

布拉德:太好了。 老实说,我不知道Magento会这么做,但这真的很酷,因为仅凭我自己的经验,我知道当我们为客户建立电子商务商店时,很可能是在完成几个月后,他们来了回到并想要另一家商店。 因此,我们建立了另一家商店。 但是在这种情况下,我们可以使用站点管理并仅在现有安装中创建另一个商店,这真是太棒了。

Roy: Right. And you’re not restricted. If you want to have a completely custom user experience, completely custom set of functionality between each of these stores, that’s something that you could do. Again, we really stay out of the way and let you run the business and provided the platform that was strong enough to really manage that for you without dictating the business rules and logic for you.

罗伊:对。 而且您不受限制。 如果您想拥有完全自定义的用户体验,那么可以在每个商店之间使用完全自定义的功能集。 再一次,我们真的远离了,让您经营业务,并提供了足够强大的平台来真正为您管理该平台,而不必为您规定业务规则和逻辑。

Brad: That’s great. I tried to pull up the roadmap for Magento to see what we could expect in the coming months and years and there is a post there that kind of explains that the roadmap has been – control has been passed over to the community advisory board. I was wondering if you could kind of explain what is the community advisory board, what does that mean for the future of Magento and new features to come?

布拉德:太好了。 我试图提出Magento的路线图,以查看未来几个月和几年中我们可以期望的结果,并且那里有一篇帖子说明了该路线图–控制权已移交给社区咨询委员会。 我想知道您是否可以解释什么是社区顾问委员会,这对Magento的未来和新功能意味着什么?

Roy: Sure. First, maybe I’ll set the scene for that. There is really two products today. One is the Magento community edition, and that’s a product that we first went to market with in March of 2008, the 1.0 came out. And we’ve since, about a year later, released our enterprise edition product.

罗伊:好的。 首先,也许我会为此做准备。 今天确实有两种产品。 一个是Magento社区版,这是我们于2008年3月首次投放市场的产品1.0。 从那时起,大约一年后,我们发布了企业版产品。

The enterprise edition product is controlled by Varien. We continue to add features for it. We consult very heavily with our partners and our customers and are really gearing that product towards merchants that do a little bit of a larger volume of business online than perhaps the community edition users do at this point.

企业版产品由Varien控制。 我们将继续为其添加功能。 我们会与合作伙伴和客户进行大量协商,并且实际上正在将该产品用于与在线版本相比,社区版用户可能数量更多的商家。

What we’re trying to do with the community edition product is open that up to the community as much as we can. So there is initiatives on a number of levels.

我们正在尝试使用社区版产品来尽可能地向社区开放。 因此,在多个层面上都有一些举措。

One is that we’ve started the community advisory board, and the community advisory board is led here by one of our employees, Koby, and we’ve rallied a number of different folks from the community from across the world, and these are the guys that make the product decisions for the enterprise edition, they make the product decisions when it comes to , and they’re the ones that are in touch with their local communities and get the feedback and really kind of filter that to the community advisory board meetings in which we make decisions.


One of the first things that we did with the community advisory board is set up a user voice account in which the community communicates to us what they feel is the most urgent things on the plate for the community edition.


We’re also, this month, opening up our code base to external contributions for the first time. Right now, we’ve developed basically 99.9% of the Magento core code base and we’d like to slowly open that up and bring in third party contributors. Much of the community has expressed interest in really helping us with that. And that’s what we’re doing.

本月我们还将首次向外部贡献开放我们的代码库。 目前,我们已经开发了99.9%的Magento核心代码库,并且我们希望慢慢地开放它并引入第三方贡献者。 许多社区已经表示有兴趣真正帮助我们。 这就是我们正在做的。

In the future, in a year, two or three down the line, we’d love to see a community product that’s driven by the community with leadership from Varien that takes core contributions from the community and Varien, in assistance with the community, will continue to evolve the community edition product.


The enterprise edition product will continue to have a path of its own that’s very much led by us as well but again, just focus on a different customer base.


Brad: And once that roadmap has kind of been decided upon, that will be released publicly again, correct?


Roy: Yes, yes. The real reason for not releasing the community edition roadmap is because we don’t want folks to make any business decisions from information that may not be finalized and no matter how many times we ask that folks just be patient, it’s important not to mislead and provide any wrong information. As soon as we have final confirmation in accordance with our community advisory board, we will make that information public.

罗伊:是的,是的。 不发布社区版路线图的真正原因是,我们不希望人们根据可能无法最终确定的信息做出任何业务决策,并且无论我们要求人们耐心等待多少次,重要的是不要误导和提供任何错误信息。 根据社区咨询委员会的最终确认后,我们将立即公开该信息。

We do also have that information public for the enterprise product, but that’s on a separate level, of course.


Brad: If you could explain what Magento extensions are and what exactly they can do?


Roy: Sure. We set up something called Magento Connect, which is the Magento extension marketplace, and today there’s over, I believe, 1200 extensions, a good number of commercial extensions, a good number of open source extensions, and these range from payment gateways; and we have now support for over 200 payment gateways in the product, shipping integrations, language fax, themes, functionality enhancements, backend functionality enhancements, front end functionality enhancements, and various other odds and ends.

罗伊:好的。 我们建立了一个名为Magento Connect的东西,这是Magento扩展市场,今天,我相信已经有1200多个扩展,大量的商业扩展,大量的开源扩展,这些都来自支付网关。 现在,我们已经在产品,运输集成,语言传真,主题,功能增强,后端功能增强,前端功能增强以及各种其他零碎功能中支持200多个支付网关。

So, we see Magento today as the platform, a platform which we very much encourage to be extended, and we wish nothing but success for our extension developers and have a lot of plans to continue to help them be successful and, hopefully, get the word out about the work that they’ve done.


Brad: Yeah, that’s one thing that definitely caught my eye on Magento Connect is not only do you have community submitted plug ins, but you also list commercial plug ins, along with the price and a link right to where someone could purchase those.

布拉德:是的,这绝对是引起我对Magento Connect关注的一件事,不仅是您有社区提交的插件,而且还列出了商业插件,以及价格和指向某人可以购买的链接。

And I know that’s in the open source community there’s, kind of, half the people hate that and half the people love that so I thought it was definitely interesting that you guys apparently love it so you have commercial plug ins on there. Did that come out of launch, or was that something added in at a later date?

我知道在开源社区中,有一半的人对此表示讨厌,一半的人对此表示喜欢,所以我认为你们显然很喜欢它,因此您可以在其中安装商业插件确实很有趣。 那是从发布开始的,还是以后添加的?

Roy: No, that was at launch. We are very much from the open source community. Again, that’s been our roots and our heritage for the last few years and we very much believe in it. But that doesn’t mean that we feel like we can tell others how to run their business and as we started to put out Magento and really think about what an extension framework would look like, we very much understood that we wanted, first and foremost, the best quality extensions by the best quality developers. And to do that, there really needs to be an appropriate incentive mechanism for those developers to continue to contribute and continue to build really quality extensions. And the way to do that is you encourage them and you provide to them a facility in which they can charge for their work. Over the long run, we hope that there’s going to be open source extensions and we very much push for that.

罗伊:不,那是在发布时。 我们非常来自开源社区。 再次,这是过去几年中我们的根源和传统,我们对此深信不疑。 但这并不意味着我们觉得我们可以告诉其他人如何经营他们的业务,并且在我们开始推出Magento并真正考虑扩展框架的外观时,我们非常了解我们首先想要的是,由最优质的开发人员提供的最优质的扩展。 为此,确实需要一种适当的激励机制,以使这些开发人员继续做出贡献,并继续构建真正优质的扩展。 这样做的方法是鼓励他们,并向他们提供设施,使他们可以为他们的工作收费。 从长远来看,我们希望将会有开源扩展,我们为此非常努力。

In fact, all of our extensions today have been open source; we haven’t charged for a single extension. And that’s just how we run our business. But we understand very well the need of compensation for third party developers that develop quality work and expect to pay the bills. And that’s something that, for us, is very much part of open source. We just don’t see the price tag of zero as something that is viable in the long run and this is the project that we hope will be with us for a very long time.

实际上,我们今天所有的扩展都是开源的。 我们没有为单次扩展收取费用。 这就是我们经营业务的方式。 但是,我们非常了解需要为开发优质作品并期望付款的第三方开发商提供补偿的必要性。 对我们来说,那是开源的一部分。 我们只是不认为零价格标签从长远来看是可行的,并且我们希望这个项目能够长期存在。

Brad: Is there any fear or concern over all extensions being commercial and therefore there’s nothing kind of free that I can download and use, everything I have to pay for?


Roy: You know, that’s a concern of course. We work very, very hard to set the precedent and to remain as vocal of the leadership toward open source as we can. And we work very closely, both with community open source extension developers, and commercial extension developers. Just today I had a talk and someone was asking me “should I charge, should I give it for free?” and I made the case for giving it back to the community. There is going to be some great extensions that are going to be available for free for the community.

罗伊:你知道,这当然是一个问题。 我们非常非常努力地树立先例,并尽我们最大的努力保持领导层对开源的声音。 而且我们与社区开源扩展开发人员和商业扩展开发人员都紧密合作。 就在今天,我进行了一次谈话,有人问我:“我应该收费,我应该免费给我吗?” 我也有理由把它还给社区。 将会有一些很棒的扩展程序可供社区免费使用。

So, I think at times it makes sense for folks to release those works of theirs for free, and sometimes they want to make sure that they can pay for their ongoing efforts, and we’ve been supportive of both, and we hope to continue to set the example and hopefully others will follow.


Brad: Excellent. I want to talk about the Magento developers real quick. I know you mentioned earlier that currently you don’t take community core contributions, is that correct?

布拉德:太好了。 我想快速地谈论Magento开发人员。 我知道您之前提到过,您目前不接受社区核心贡献,对吗?

Roy: Correct. Today, we basically asked for the contributions to come in the form of an extension as opposed to a patch that will make its way into the core code.

罗伊:对 。 今天,我们基本上要求以扩展的形式提供贡献,而不是将其引入核心代码的补丁。

Brad: I also went on your website and you have bug tracking, which it looks like… I was trying to figure out what software you’re running… is that all a part of… because I believe Magento’s running on EE and that’s actually what one of our members pointed out is that… is that what MagentoCommerce.com is running on?


Roy: Again, you broke off, but I think you were mentioning ExpressionEngine, Brad?


Brad: Yeah, ExpressionEngine. I noticed… that’s what we’re running and one of our members actually wanted to know the decision behind using EE instead of something like WordPress.

布拉德:是的,ExpressionEngine。 我注意到了…这就是我们正在运行的,我们的一位成员实际上想知道使用EE而不是诸如WordPress之类的背后的决定。

Roy: For portions of our site, we do use ExpressionEngine, unfortunately, not the bug tracking portion, and the bug tracking portion is just custom code and the back end of that is actually Mantis, I think. So, that’s what’s running in the background.

Roy:不幸的是,对于我们网站的某些部分,我们确实使用了ExpressionEngine,而不是Bug跟踪部分,并且Bug跟踪部分只是自定义代码,我认为后端实际上是Mantis。 因此,这就是后台运行的内容。

ExpressionEngine is a great product. We love it. We use it for the bulk of the website. I think some of the creative elements that you see on magentocommerce.com are primarily our own codes. So, groups, Magento Connect, the bug tracking, the job board, of course the store, is Magento and some of our own work.

ExpressionEngine是一个了不起的产品。 我们喜欢它。 我们将其用于大部分网站。 我认为您在magentocommerce.com上看到的一些创意元素主要是我们自己的代码。 因此,小组,Magento Connect,错误跟踪,工作板(当然是商店)是Magento和我们自己的一些工作。

We’ve put in thousands of hours of work in ExpressionEngine to really get it to be where we feel it is right now. It’s not like it was quick and painless, it takes work to get it to be at that level. And we’re continuing to spend a lot of time making sure that the community site can scale and can really adapt to the different needs as the project continues to grow.

我们已经在ExpressionEngine中投入了数千个小时的工作,以使它真正达到我们现在的感觉。 并不是它很快又很轻松,而是需要努力使其达到这一水平。 随着项目的不断发展,我们将继续花费大量时间来确保社区站点可以扩展并真正适应不同的需求。

Brad: Question from another community member, Joaquin Win would like to know, and I know you mentioned earlier that when 1.0 came out, you had about 50 developers working. How many developers are currently are actively working on Magento now?

布拉德:来自另一个社区成员,华金·温(Joaquin Win)的问题想知道,我知道您之前提到过,当1.0发布时,您大约有50个开发人员在工作。 现在有多少开发人员正在积极开发Magento?

Roy: Yeah, so the core team, I think, today is about, if I’m not mistaken, it’s about 14, 16 people. So these include from product managers to of course, developers and architects and QA staff and user interface so it’s a pretty broad team. There’s a lot of folks involved that specialize in different areas.

罗伊:是的,所以我认为核心团队今天大约是,如果我没记错的话,大约是14、16人。 因此,这些人员包括产品经理,当然还有开发人员和架构师以及质量检查人员和用户界面,因此这是一个相当广泛的团队。 有很多涉及不同领域的人。

Brad: Is the team distributed or does everybody work in one big office there with you?


Roy: The team is distributed. We have folks from all over the world really get involved.

罗伊:团队是分散的。 我们有来自世界各地的人们真正参与其中。

Brad: Great. Quick, wrapping up here towards the end, but I want to kind of talk about the future of Magento and what we can expect and I have a couple questions from our members.

布拉德:太好了。 很快,在最后总结一下,但是我想谈一谈Magento的未来以及我们可以期待的事情,我的成员有几个问题。

Alex Dawson would like to know – What innovative new functionality are they planning on adding to keep ahead of the competition?

亚历克斯·道森(Alex Dawson)想知道–他们计划增加哪些创新的新功能来保持竞争优势?

Roy: Great question, and I think the best answer for that is to really look at the user voice site that we’ve set up. And just to see the very broad list of features that our community expects, and there’s no shortage of that, I can tell you that.

Roy:很好的问题,我认为最好的答案是真正看一下我们建立的用户语音站点。 只是看到我们社区期望的广泛功能列表,而且不乏它,我可以告诉你。

Brad: And is that listed on or is that a separate site?


Roy: Yeah, I think it’s or something like that.


Brad: I’ll dig up the link and we put it in the show notes.


Roy: Perfect. One thing that we’re coming out with, hopefully, in the next community release, is a concept around widgets that are going to make, I think, a lot of people happy. So you’ll be able to, basically, embed different types of widgets across the Magento sites. It’s a pretty powerful functionality. So, that’s something that the team, here has been putting a lot of effort around and that’s something, I think, that’s going to have a good uptake.

罗伊:太好了。 希望在下一个社区发行版中出现的一件事是围绕小部件的概念,我认为这会使很多人感到高兴。 因此,您基本上可以在Magento网站中嵌入不同类型的小部件。 这是一个非常强大的功能。 所以,这是团队的工作,在这里我们付出了很多努力,我认为,这将是一个很好的吸收。

Brad: And are these widgets similar to like a widget in WordPress or like a block in Drupal or is it like just a little block you can kind of move around in your store?


Roy: We have the concepts of blocks now. A widget, for us is one that also includes a lot of functionality. You’ll be able to move products around, display products in different pages, whether it’s landing pages, whether it’s category pages. It’s a lot more flexible than what the current methodology of really moving products around now. So, maybe what I’ll do is I’ll ask my team to put together a quick screen cast and we’ll try to share that ahead of the release, just so people know what’s coming.

罗伊:我们现在有了积木的概念。 对于我们来说,小部件是一个也包含许多功能的小部件。 您将能够移动产品,在不同页面中显示产品,无论是目标页面还是类别页面。 它比现在真正移动产品的当前方法要灵活得多。 因此,也许我要做的是请我的团队整理一下快速的屏幕投射,然后我们将尝试在发布前分享这些内容,以便人们知道即将发生的事情。

Brad: Yeah, sounds exciting. Another quick question from a user named Reggae, and basically they say – Magento in its current form is trying to be all things to all people, and it can overwhelm kind of these one man shops. Has there been any talk or ideas to kind of create a Magento Lite or a lightweight version that’s really very simplistic?

布拉德:是的,听起来很激动。 一位名叫雷鬼(Reggae)的用户提出的另一个快速问题是,基本上他们说–目前的Magento试图将所有人的一切都化为乌有,这可能会淹没这些人铺。 是否有任何讨论或想法来创建真正非常简单的Magento Lite或轻量级版本?

Roy: Yeah, that’s actually been a topic that came up here a few times. Magento is a very sophisticated product. There’s absolutely no doubt, and I think that the person who wrote that is absolutely correct, it definitely can overwhelm. You know, that’s something that, I guess, in one sense concerns us, in another sense is probably something that obviously speaks a lot about the sophisticated level Magento is today.

罗伊:是的,实际上这是几次出现的话题。 Magento是非常复杂的产品。 毫无疑问,我认为写那封信的人是绝对正确的,肯定会不知所措。 您知道,从某种意义上讲,我认为这是与我们有关的事情,从另一种意义上来说,这显然可以说出Magento如今的复杂水平。

We’ll see how things play out, but I think there’s an interesting opportunity to tackle an even smaller market base than what we’ve been able to tackle so far by creating a product that’s very slim and kind of light. Yeah, absolutely.

我们将看到结果如何发展,但是我认为,与目前为止通过创建非常纤薄轻巧的产品所无法解决的市场规模相比,有一个有趣的机会来解决甚至更小的市场基础。 是的,绝对。

Brad: Great. So, you have the whole SitePoint audience listening and it’s full of great designers, developers, bloggers, writers, everything you can imagine. How can they get involved? How can people get involved with Magento and really help out?

布拉德:太好了。 因此,您可以听到整个SitePoint的观众的声音,并且到处都是伟大的设计师,开发人员,博客作者,作家,以及您可以想象的一切。 他们如何参与其中? 人们如何参与Magento并真正提供帮助?

Roy: Sure. You can do that on many levels. First of all, for the developers and the enthusiasts, I think Magento Connect is a great place to really get the extensions out and start to build a community and a name, and really get a lot of market feedback.

罗伊:好的。 您可以在许多级别上做到这一点。 首先,对于开发人员和发烧友来说,我认为Magento Connect是真正发布扩展并开始建立社区和名称的好地方,并且确实获得了大量市场反馈。

From a blogging perspective, if you have something to write, something to contribute, whether it’s video, it’s podcasts, it’s audio, we’re always looking for content and we’d be happy to feature you in our blog as a guest post or anything else along those lines you can think of.


If you want to be part of the community advisory board or you want to be considered and get involved in that, there’s obviously opportunities for that as well, and you can email me directly at ; I’m always available to the community, and always available to talk. And if I’m not available, then I can definitely introduce you to the person that best fits. But talk to us and let us know what you’ve got in mind, we’d love to continue working together.

如果您想成为社区顾问委员会的成员,或者想参与其中,显然还有很多机会,您可以直接通过向我发送电子邮件; 我一直在社区中交流,也总是可以交流。 而且,如果我没有空,那么我可以肯定地向您介绍最合适的人。 但是,请与我们联系,让我们知道您的想法,我们很乐意继续合作。

Brad: That’s great, and there’s also a very active Magento chat room on Freenode. So if anyone is in IRC, just look for the Magento room, it’s pretty active. I sit in there and watch the discussions, so it’s also a good way to get some information.

布拉德:太好了,在Freenode上还有一个非常活跃的Magento聊天室。 因此,如果有人在IRC中,只需寻找Magento房间,它就非常活跃。 我坐在那里观看讨论,所以这也是获取一些信息的好方法。

Roy, I really appreciate you coming on the show today. It’s been informative. I’ve learned a lot. I’m sure our listeners have learned a lot. Magento is a great product, it’s really great what you’ve done in just a short amount of time.

罗伊,非常感谢您今天来参加这个节目。 内容丰富。 我学到了很多东西。 我相信我们的听众学到了很多东西。 Magento是一款很棒的产品,在短时间内完成的工作真的很棒。

Again, thanks for coming on. Do you have a blog or a Twitter or something you want to plug to throw out there?

再次感谢您的参与。 您是否有博客或Twitter或想插入的东西?

Roy: Magento… … follow us. Continue to read the Magento blog, there’s a lot of great information. We try to post daily on the Magento blog. But that’s about it.

罗伊: Magento… …关注我们。 继续阅读Magento博客,这里有很多很好的信息。 我们尝试每天在Magento博客上发布。 就是这样。

I want to thank you, Brad, and SitePoint, which has been a big inspiration for me and for us for a very long time. Keep up the great work and you guys have built a tremendous community, which is, as I said, an inspiration.

非常感谢Brad和SitePoint,这对我和我们很长一段时间以来一直是一个很大的启发。 继续努力,你们已经建立了一个巨大的社区,正如我所说,这是一个灵感。

Brad: Great. Thanks, Roy. And that concludes another episode of the SitePoint podcast.

布拉德:太好了。 谢谢,罗伊。 到此结束了SitePoint播客的另一集。



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